Dresden 1992
“In der zweiten Serie, »Dresden 1992«, unterstreicht Pöhlmann den Akt der Übertragung noch radikaler: Die großformatigen Bilder wurden auf der Grundlage von frühen analogen Fotografien der Künstlerin, die sie im Zuge der Recherchen ihres Dresden-Stipendiums wiederentdeckt hatte, (…) gestrickt. Die alten Schwarz-Weiß-Aufnahmen von Kindern und…
Japanraum, Langen Foundation, Germany
Anne Pöhlmann’s exhibition Japanraum is based on the experiences and impressions of a three-month residency in Kyoto. The resulting mixed media works are photographs printed on textiles, which were taken in Japan, and then sewn onto various other fabrics.
Next Generations. Aktuelle Fotografie made im Rheinland, Museum Morsbroich, Leverkusen, Germany
The “photography schools” in the Rhineland have been and still are, of international significance. In the Rhineland, the engagement with photography as a conceptual medium is closely linked with the names of Bernd and Hilla Becher.
Japan Diary, Clages Gallery
The material composition of the pieces themselves follows the same path, unraveling an almost analytical, yet also synthetic, complexity. “Framing fabrics“, Patchwork textile pieces, printed designs and architectural sketches come together in what seems to be an overlapping illusionistic game of impressions, where depiction, materiality…
Skulptur im Foto – über die fotografische Dokumentation hinaus, Skulpturenmuseum Glaskasten Marl
In komplett verschiedener, ebenfalls sehr eigenständiger künstlerischer Annäherung hat sich Anne Pöhlmann mit den Skulpturen aus der Sammlung des Marler Museums beschäftigt und auf großformatige Stoffbahnen übertragen. Jedoch lassen alle motivischen Drehungen, filmische Reihungen und Überlagerungen den dokumentarischen Aussagewert der Abbildungen niemals gänzlich verschwinden.
Solo Exhibition, Clages Gallery
Anne Pöhlmann’s most recent work consists of photographs of basic geometric forms printed on fabric. In this series of large format works, sheets of fabric are printed with repeating imagery and presented on primed white canvases. The canvas, however, is neither an image carrier nor…
Reproduktionen/Reproductions, Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster
There are many books about photo technics and photographic know-how. Photography was born together with a very specific kind of literature that combines in equal manner subjectivity and objectivity. In those handbooks is often explained how to use a technical device but also most of…
Thick Powder White Cubes, MACBA, Barcelona
Photo essay published in ‘Oferta pública / Public Tender’ a book by Rita McBride, MACBA, Barcelona 2012. This book has been selected for the Spanish category of the PhotoEspaña 2013 Awards for Photography Book of the Year and has been shown in the exhibition Los…
Sets & Still Lifes, Clages
Series of photographs. Pigment prints 28 x 21 cm, framed. 2011 April 14 to June 25, 2011 / Galerie Clages, Cologne A series of photographs lines the wall of the gallery, catching the viewer’s eye through the gallery window. With its installative setting consisting of two…